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Uploading a file

This page discusses how to upload a file to an existing Draft document on Issuu

Uploading a file

Issuu API

This method corresponds to calling HTTP PATCH{slug}/upload.
API documentation:

To upload a file to an existing draft, you need the slug value for the document. You can then call one of the Drafts.UploadDocumentContentAsync operations provided by the API client.

Using a file path

public async Task UploadFileToDraftAsync(string slug, string filePath, CancellationToken ct)
var response = await _client.Drafts.UploadDocumentContentAsync(
filePath: filePath,
cancellationToken: ct);
if (response.IsSuccess && response.HasData)
var document = response.Data;
// Do something with the document.
File Name

The UploadDocumentContentAsync overload that accepts the filePath parameter, has an optional parameter for fileName. When this is not provided, the file name is extracted from the filePath parameter.

A successful response for this operation will contain the updated draft Document.

Using a file stream

public async Task UploadFileToDraftAsync(string slug, string filePath, CancellationToken ct)
using var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);

var response = await _client.Drafts.UploadDocumentContentAsync(
fileStream: fileStream,
fileName: Path.GetFileName(filePath),
cancellationToken: ct);
if (response.IsSuccess && response.HasData)
var document = response.Data;
// Do something with the document.
Note on Disposal

Whilst the underlying HttpRequestMessage is not automatically disposed of by the calling HttpClient instance, the IssuuSDK will dispose of the HttpRequestMessage it creates when calling the API. This means if you provide a Stream representing the file content, the IssuuSDK will call Dispose() on the StreamContent that is used.

This is by design, as the IssuSDK needs to clean up resources it creates, and there is no facility provided by StreamContent to leave the underlying stream undisposed, except to not dispose of the StreamContent.

Reference change:

A successful response for this operation will contain the updated draft Document.

File conversion

When a file is uploaded, it then needs to be convereted by the Issuu service. This happens automatically on upload, however you will not be able to publish your draft, until the conversion operation has been completed.

The best strategy, is to poll the Drafts.GetDraftAsync(...) operation until you get an updated conversion status. Be mindful of rate limiting when performing this operation.

When the document.FileInfo.ConversionStatus value returns Done, the draft can then be published. If it the conversion status is returned as Failed, you will not be able to publish the draft. A conversion status of Converting means this operation has not yet completed.


The IssuuSDK team cannot support failures on document conversion. Please contact Issuu for assistance with this issue.