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The primary result shape provided by the Issuu API is the Document, and contains the following properties:

ChangesDocumentChanges?The set of changes to the draft (if state = Draft)
CoverDocumentCoverImages?Any cover images generated for the document
CreatedDateTimeOffsetThe date/time the draft document was created
FileIdlongThe internal ID of the file
FileInfoDocumentFileInfo?Any file-specific information for the document
LocationstringThe Issuu URI of the document
OwnerstringThe Issuu user who owns the document
SlugstringThe unique URL-friendly slug for the document
StateDocumentStateOne of Draft, Published, Scheduled, Unpublished or Quarantined

The definition of this type can be found here:


If the document is in a draft state, the Changes property will be populated with an instance of DocumentChanges:

AccessDocumentAccessThe access type. Private are only accessible on URLs. Public are accessible through search and recommendations
DescriptionstringThe description of your document
DownloadableboolAfter publishing, will readers be able to download the document?
OriginalPublishDateDateTimeOffset?+The date was originally published previously
PreviewboolIs this document a preview of a larger document?
ScheduledTimeDateTimeOffset?The date you wish the draft to be automatically published. If this is not provided, the draft will need to be manually published
TitlestringThe title of your document
ShowDetectedLinksboolDuring the conversion phase, hyperlinks can be collated and displayed alongside the document

Cover Images

If the document has cover images generated, these are available from the Cover property, which returns an instance of DocumentCoverImages:

LargeDocumentImage?The large cover image
MediumDocumentImage?The medium cover image
SmallDocumentImage?The small cover image

The DocumentImage type is defined as:

HeightintThe image height
UrlstringThe URL of the image
WidthintThe image width

File Information

If a file has been uploaded to a document, the FileInfo property will return information about that, using an instance of DocumentFileInfo:

ConversionStatusDocumentConversionStatusOne of Done Converting, Failed
IsCopyrightConfirmedboolHas copyright been confirmed for this document file?
NamestringThe name of the file
PageCountintThe number of pages in the file
SizelongThe size of the file, in bytes
TypeDocumentFileTypeOne of Unknown, DOC, ODP, ODT,PDF, PPT, RTF, SXI, SXW, WPD, EPUB or MOBI