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WebTrendsSDK Documentation

A .NET library for the WebTrends v2 API

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WebTrendsSDK - An open-source Unofficial SDK for integrating with the WebTrends OTS REST API

The WebTrendsSDK can be used to manage experiment participation in WebTrends testing.

Quick start (.NET Core & .NET 5+)

Install the NuGet package:

dotnet add package WebTrendsSDK

Then add the WebTrendsSDK to your services:


Add your auth token to your config:

"WebTrends": {
"AccountId": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID",
"KeyToken": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN",
"WebsiteUrl": ""

Then use it in your code:

public class MyClass(IWebTrendsApiClient client)
public async Task DoSomething()
var project = await client.Ots.Control.GetProjectAsync("ta_12345");

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